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Animal Health and Welfare Pathway (AHWP) Funding

Government funding made available to livestock farmers to help to support you to improve the health and welfare of your animals. It is initially designed to cover costs of lab testing for BVD (Cattle) & Worm egg counts (Sheep), as well as 2-3 hours of vet time reviewing any health aspect of your herd or flock and writing the report needed for you to claim the funding. Having an animal health and welfare review could help you with further health and welfare productivity grants available.

Eligible Farmers must have at least:
- 11 dairy cattle
- 11 beef cattle
- 21 sheep
- 51 pigs

Type of stock & funding available
Dairy; initial funding £372, follow up funding not yet available.
Beef; initial funding £522, follow up funding £837 if review result is positive; £215 if review result is negative.
Sheep; initial funding £436, follow up funding £639.
Pigs; initial funding £557, follow up funding £923.

The funding amount for each species is different to reflect the costs of the different tests conducted.

The funding will contribute to:
- Cost of testing
- Your time and the vet’s time

You can have up to:
- 3 reviews over the course of your agreement
- 3 follow-ups on the same herd or flock
To apply for the funding follow this link:

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